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Wallum Lake Rod & Gun Club

Events Calendar

Green Beret Memorial 2-Gun Competition
Saturday, May 14, 2022, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 322
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Join us for the first annual 19th Special Forces Group ~ Memorial 2-Gun Competition hosted by Wallum Lake Rod & Gun Club.
All proceeds go to help support the families and members of 19th Special Forces Group. Prizes to be won and raffled off, featuring a Centrifuge VCQB lesson (offered to LE agencies only).
Pistol & Rifle (or PCC) match
- Match day: Mandatory range / safety brief: 8:30 AM*
- Range hot at 9:00 AM
- You must attend the range / safety brief to shoot the match.
- 120 rounds rifle/PCC, 200 rounds handgun, minimum.
AMMO: No armor piercing ammunition (Green tip, steel penetrator, etc.)
All participants and spectators must abide by all state laws and statues while at the facility.
WAIVERS: All shooters and spectators will be required to sign a waiver for the match.
- Pistol
- Rifle
- x3 Pistol mags
- Pistol holster
- x2 Rifle mags
- Ear protection
- Eye protection
Price: $75.00
To register, please follow the link to

For questions and additional information, please send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. See less

Location Pistol Pits