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Wallum Lake Rod & Gun Club

Field Day

September 22, 2024


This field day will feature one of the larger Civil War reenactments in New England.  Members, family and invited guests will be able view the dress rehearsal skirmish on Saturday, as well as a tour the camps.  There will be a dinner on Friday night to welcome the reenactors.  Club members are invited.  We will post the cost of the dinner when we finalize the menu.  

We are looking for volunteers for Field Day on September 22nd.  

We need help in the cook shack, at the ranges, parking attendants, set up on Saturday the 21st, Arts and crafts, runners and a whole bunch of other tasks, including cleanup on Monday the 23rd.

We’ll also need some help on Friday September 20th to aid in setup and check in for the reenactors.    

If you’re looking for hours, this is a great opportunity to get some.  

If any club member is in a family friendly band that is willing to volunteer, please reach out to me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  


This is going to be a huge event, and we can use all the help we can get!!!…


Contact Field Day Chairman

David Lyne

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