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Wallum Lake Rod & Gun Club

Pistol Pits Rules

Six Pistol Pits with steel knock-down targets

Watch for announcements about which of the pits are open for use

  • You must qualify before you can use the pits - contact the Walls of Steel Chairman to get qualified
  • PISTOLS ONLY - No rifles (too much target damage)
  • You must sign in and out at the clubhouse
  • Range Fee: Guests $10 per day


Monday thru Saturday 9am to dusk
Sunday 10am to dusk

Hunting season 11am to dusk


The Pistol Pits Walls of Steel are located at the top of the property beyond the skeet area and just beyond the 3D Archery area. Parking in pits 1-3 is prohibited, Park vehicles in the field.


Please visit Rules or navigate to Members Only | Rules, Bylaws.


Registration for any Walls of Steel events are handled through:

Any questions regarding Walls of Steel events or details should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

See also:

Walls of Steel Video