The 2025 WLRGC Game Dinner Tickets are now available. Click  HERE to see the Game Dinner page

Wallum Lake Rod & Gun Club


 Wallum Lake has a bar available with a TIPS-certified bartender.

 The bar is stocked with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.   We also offer   snacks and coffee.

Anyone wishing to book an event may request that the bar be open and available during their event, and a qualified bartender will be on duty for the duration. 

Bar Rules:

No drinking of alcoholic beverages after 1:00 am

No guns within 10 feet of the bar. Police on official police business are exempt from this rule

No one may sit at the bar while carrying a concealed weapon (even with valid permits to carry, including police on duty)

The bartender, caretaker or any club officer may reserve the right to "shut off" any person (member or guest) that, in their opinion, appears inebriated. Failure to comply with the bartender, caretaker or club officer will result in expulsion from the bar and for members, may result in charges and appearance before the Board of Directors for disciplinary action.

The bar is CLOSED during monthly meetings, however, a drink that is purchased prior to meeting but not yet consumed completely may be brought into the meeting.

Any member bringing a guest into the bar is responsible for the behavior of that guest.

Tampering with or adjusting of clubhouse security cameras is strictly prohibited.

Honor system is in effect. All posted fees must be paid and entered into cash register.