The 2025 WLRGC Game Dinner Tickets are now available. Click  HERE to see the Game Dinner page

Wallum Lake Rod & Gun Club

Indoor Range

 Indoor Range Rules


ACCESS TO THE NEW RANGE: To gain access to the range, here is what you need to do.  

Coordinate with the indoor range chairman to get certified in the new range, you just need to go and orientated on the equipment and sign in procedures, range rules and use.


Range Fees:
$30 per day for Non-Members

General Information: 

The Indoor Range will be open to Guest who are accompanied by Club Members who have attended Indoor Range Orientation and Qualification.

That cost is comparable to most hourly rates for Indoor Shooting Ranges and will help to offset any additional costs to Club Members. The fee will be for the day. Once the guest has paid, signed the appropriate waiver form, the guest and member MUST use ONE lane in the indoor range per the Rules and Regulations of the Indoor Range.

There will be envelopes for fees along with the waiver forms on the desk. Until the Guest Fee Box and proper security is in place for the Indoor Range, please place all guests fees for Indoor Range in the drop box located behind the bar.



Firearms and Alcohol DO NOT MIX! If you have had even one drink, DO NOT SHOOT!!!

  1. The indoor range is available to qualified members and their guests. The qualification

requirement is waived for any shooter participating in an official match or approved course.

  1. Qualification procedure:
  2. Any shooter may qualify by demonstrating the ability to place 10 out of 10 shots, of the

highest caliber pistol they intend to be qualified for, on a standard 50-foot qualification. (See Example Target 1). Rifle and Carbine Shooters will be required to qualify using a Standard Grouping Target. (See Example Target 2)

  1. Qualification can be administered by the indoor pistol committee chairman or any of his

designees, the Juniors committee chairman.

  1. Upon successful qualification, the indoor Committee Chairman or one of his designees will issue a range qualification card.
  2. All shooters must sign in the logbook, located in the indoor range. Shooters will include their

name, member number, time in and out and calibers fired and total round count for each session and lane used during session.

  1. Ammunition is limited to Muzzle Velocities of NO LESS THAN 700 FPS and NO MORE THAN 2800 FPS.NO SHOTGUNS/MUZZLE LOADERS OR BLACK POWDER.
  2. Only paper targets will be used and hung at shooter’s eye level for general indoor range use. Other target materials may be used for organized events as necessary with authorization of the indoor range


  1. All standard range safety rules apply
  2. Treat every firearm as if it’s loaded.
  3. Ear and eye protection is required to be worn by everyone in the range during live fire.
  4. All shooters must demonstrate safe firearm handling at all times
  5. No firearms may be handled while anyone is in front of the firing line
  6. All firearms must be cleared of ammunition, actions opened, magazines removed with

safety on before anyone may proceed beyond the firing line for any reason

  1. Member spouses and minor children may use indoor range only if accompanied by their

qualified member-spouse/parent.

  1. Juniors between the ages of 12 and 18 are urged to participate in the club’s junior


  1. At the end of a shooting session, members must police brass and deposit in appropriate

receptacle. Put debris and used targets in the appropriate trash container.

  1. All qualified shooters must have their range permit with them to use the indoor range.
  2. NO RANGE CARD….NO ADMITTANCE…NO SHOOTING! Wear your club badge or ID when using range.
  3. Violations of rules and/or shooting at anything other than a target down range will result in

immediate suspension of indoor range privileges as well as review and potential disciplinary

action taken by the Board of Directors. Indoor range chairman must be notified of any violations

or accidental discharges ASAP! If you damage something report it immediately so repairs can be made.

  1. Guest must be accompanied by a qualified member at all times and members must observe guests firing on the firing line at all times in 1 (one) Lane Only. Any safety violations by guests are the responsibility of the assigned member.

Below are pictures of the proposed targets that will be used for Pistol and Rifle Qualifications for the Indoor Range:


Proposed Indoor Range Pistol Qualification Target


Proposed Indoor Range Rifle Qualification Target

10"x10" Target



For more information contact:

Peter Boyle

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.